Learning outcomes FOET

The Delegate’s learning outcomes for each module are set out below:

Helicopter Safety and Escape

To successfully complete this module, delegates must be able to demonstrate:

  1. Donning an aviation transit suit, aviation lifejacket and emergency breathing system equipment (EBS)1 and conducting EBS integrity checks.
  2. Deploying, operating and breathing from EBS at atmospheric conditions.
  3. Deploying, operating and breathing from EBS in a pool utilising personal air prior to HUET exercises (delegate to experience positive and negative pressure created by the body orientation in water).
  4. Actions to take in preparing for a helicopter ditching/emergency landing.
  5. Actions following a controlled ditching on water (including deploying EBS and, on instructions from aircrew, operation of a push out window) and evacuate through a nominated exit to an aviation liferaft.
  6. Assist others where possible in carrying out initial actions on boarding the aviation liferaft, to include mooring lines, deploying the sea anchor, raising the canopy and raft maintenance.
  7. Escape through a window opening which is underwater from a partially submerged helicopter (deploying, operating and breathing from the EBS but without operation of a push out window).
  8. Escape through a window opening which is underwater from a partially submerged helicopter (deploying, operating and breathing from the EBS and operation of a push out window).
  9. Escape through a window opening which is underwater from a capsized helicopter (*deploying and operating the EBS on the surface prior to capsize and operating a push-out window)
  10. Following escape from the helicopter (HUET), inflate lifejacket, deploy spray visor and carry out in-water procedures, to include swimming, getting into Heat Escape Lessening Position (HELP), towing, chain, huddle and circle.
  11. Boarding an aviation liferaft from the water.
  12. Being rescued by one of the recognised methods available offshore and survivor actions following rescue.

*All delegates must deploy and operate the EBS and should be encouraged to breathe from the EBS throughout the capsize exercise.

Note1: Some manufacturers have integrated the EBS equipment into the life jacket or transit suit.

Firefighting and Self Rescue

To successfully complete this module, delegates must be able to demonstrate:

  1. Correct use of appropriate hand held portable fire extinguishers and which ones to use for different classes of fires.
  2. Self-rescue techniques with a smoke hood from areas where visibility is reduced due to smoke.
  3. Self-rescue techniques with a smoke hood from areas where visibility is completely obscured
  4. Small group escape techniques with a smoke hood from areas where visibility is completely obscured

Emergency First Aid

To successfully complete this module, delegates must be able to demonstrate:

  1. Raising the alarm
  2. Immediate first aid actions, to include: ABC