Medical Examination

A valid medical examination, performed by a certified physician, is required for some of our training courses.

STC NEXT can provide various medical examinations on its own premises. The examination is scheduled in the morning before the training, or in the afternoon after the training. This means you are not forced to plan an extra day off for your examination. When booking your training, in step 3 of the booking form, you will be given the opportunity to select the medical examination of your choice.

Would you like to schedule only an examination with us (not in addition to training)? Then email us at and we will schedule an examination with you!

We can schedule the following medicals for you:

Type price*  
NOGEPA medical examination + Bi Deltoid shoulder measurement €210,- More information
NOGEPA medical examination + Norwegian Helseerklæring + Bi Deltoid Shoulder measurement €210,- More information
Seafarers medical examination €170,- More information
Professional diver examination €500,- More information
Professional diver re- examination €465,- More information
GWO G41 standard examination €180,- More information
GWO G41 + exercise test €245,- More information
Compressed air 1 (without exercise test) €180,- More information
Compressed air 2 (with exercise test) €230,- More information
NOGEPA Offshore examination catering staff €250,- More information
NOGEPA Offshore examination crane operators €180,- More information
NOGEPA Offshore examination Emergency Response Team €240,- More information
Bi Deltoid Shoulder measurement €45,- More information
Combination Offshore and Seafarers examination €205,- More information
Combination Offshore and Compressed air 2 examination €335,- More information
Chester Steptest €115,- More information

The medical examination is performed by our certified medical examiner. Before the expiration date, the examination will have to be performed again. Under some circumstances, the doctor will issue a certificate of abnormal validity for example when there is excess weight or a condition that may deteriorate the participant’s condition in a short period of time.

* All prices do not include VAT.